Sunday, February 3, 2013

Abu Garcia Revo LTX dissected

Handle with screw removed. Loving the carbon fibre handle!
Open the screw and remove the nut lock. The nut lock turns the opposite way to loosen.  The normal rules which applies to all screws and nuts : lefty-loosy, righty-tighty. This rule doesn't apply to the handle nut and the drag star.

Handle, star drag, cast control knob removed.
To get into the gears compartment, you need to remove all screws, top left and bottom right. Loosen the plate screw as well.

Turn it counter-clockwise to loosen.
To open the side-plate, turn it counter-clockwise as well.
The third screw securing the plate in place.
Removing the spool will gives you access to the 3rd screw which secures the  plate of the gears compartment.

Ordered chaos.
After removing everything, make sure you put it in some sort of order so you can remember what and which goes in first during the assembly.

Drag stack
I am still wondering how this drag stack is able to churn out the rated drag ratings.

Orange bracket is installed upside-down.
Notice that the orange bracket was reinstalled wrongly.

Closer look at the thumb-bar release gear and the wrongly installed orange bracket which holds the pinion gear in place.
This is how you should reinstall the thumb-bar release gear.

How it should be.
This is how the bracket should be installed.

Closer look at the correct way to install the orange bracket

 Cast control knob bearings. Remember to oil this when you reassemble your reel.


What makes it click

The final part of the clicky.

Drag star click mechanism.

What makes it click.

Reinstalling the drag-star

You don't have to worry about fitting the click into the drag star before reinstalling the whole thing. Install the click mechanism first, then only install the drag-star. If it gets stuck, just keep trying.

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